Tuesday, 24 November 2015


So the past week or so i have been tackling foliage :)

Friday, 30 October 2015

Unreal update

Slowly getting through this...  Looking forward to trying to do some foliage stuff :)

Thursday, 29 October 2015

More Blending

So haven't got much of an update, as i have been working on boring bits and cleaning up meshes and so on...

But you can see below how the blending is going on and added a duplicated door mesh just to give it some more detail.  I plan to do this on the majority of hard edges.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

It Blendz

Hey all so I decided that I wanted to dabble at vertex painting for the building to give it some variation.
I think I will also use some decals to help out in places, but wanted to try and get this working first :)

I think the dark version is too much and I might adjust this a bit, I think the light stain is good however.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Not 2D...

So I decided to create the Mesoamerican style piece in 3D :)

Here is a block out and one of the textures so far...

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Finished Valley

So, my initial thought was to do a building on a cliff face.  But after going away from the piece for a bit, it looked like a ship could go their.  So i decided to put an abandoned ship in their and some people who have just discovered it, sort of like the day after tomorrow...

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Its been awhile...

Alot has happened over the past few months, with moving home, work changes and all sorts of things.  But i am staring to get back into my 2D after along time away from it.

I have also started to read some books that are helping stare the imagination a bit...  The Long Earth and Game of Thrones.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Some more concept ideas...

Got a few more for you here on the mesoamerican sort of style...

Monday, 16 March 2015


I forgot about these...


Hey all,

Bit of an update as it has been awhile...

Starting a new project on an Mesoamerican theme...  Thinking realistic, but may change this to a more stylized vibe.  First off image is here, I have a few more from work to upload at some point...

Monday, 23 February 2015

New pieces


So have a few new pieces to show, a lead at work sent around some photo bombed concepts and i thought it was a great way of going quite free and loose.  Not worrying about mistakes but looking for big details.  I am pretty happy with these initial ones I have created.  Taking between 15 and 30  mins, a lot of this time was gathering photos as i dont have much of a resource at the moment.  The other is from one of the sketches before, this piece went through a love hate relationship as i wasnt happy with the overall colour scheme...

Friday, 30 January 2015

Painted one of the small thumbnails

So going on from the thumbnails i am deciding to take a few forward and put some colour into them etc....