Wednesday, 24 September 2014


After seeing some of Isacc's Wild Thing images i got inspiration to make my own.. Here are some different ones, the story behind them is a world with four islands each having a different race; water, horseshoe, fork and top hat.  They come together to help one another :)

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Camp Fire Update

Haven't had so much time on this, just adding a few details here and there.  I am currently creating some simple posters for my brother as he is into beer making and having a party soon and would like some images to go with the beer.
I am pretty happy with the outcome of this piece.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Update to Landscape

After some great feedback on a forum, i decided to revisit this a bit.  The main criticisms were the values and the composition, which is something i will be working on in the future with other pieces of work.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Camp Fire

Once again inspired by heavily by some of the work from Assassins Creed.  I am currently working on this midnight camp fire scene.  I have my original starting point and I have where I am at with it at the moment pleased with the progress so far...

Friday, 12 September 2014

Keep on Swimming

So, this week so some frustration...  I would normally quit if I was trying to work on a piece that wasnt working, but i decided to carry on and hope for something good at the end of it.  As Doreen said in Finding Nemo 'keep on swimming' in this case keep on drawing.

The end result is getting there, will add some bits and bobs to it in places as i am thinking of having a city in the background or some more rolling hills.

But here is the progress from the original to where it is now with a few images in between.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Older pieces of art

So below is a range of artwork that I have created in the past that I was happy with.  Trying a few different techniques as well and practices.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Unreal Tournament Concept Challenge

So over at Polycount they had a competition to create some art that would be used as a bases for some of their levels for the upcoming game.  I didn't win anything but really enjoyed the opportunity and to better develop my skills.  Especially of using a 3d render as a base to go off.

Here are my 3 images;

Monday, 8 September 2014

A new blog for a new skill

So recently I have been painting in photoshop.  I have checked out a few tutorials, brought a few books and feel its time to try and be a bit more creative.

I have a few pieces already under my belt, that i will post up soon, but my initial pictures are some speedpaints... Well speed for me is 45 mins - 1 hour.  As i usually go to quickly into trying to bit details in and end up taking forever to do anything.

So here they are... a pond and a waterfall.

These came from some initial sketches I did.